Counseling Blog

Top 6 Tricks of Anger Management

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on w...

7 Things You Must Know About Infidelity

“I know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year.” ― Edna St. V...

Best Movie on Understanding Emotions – Inside Out

I recently watched the movie Inside Out and was fascinated by its creativity and elegance to de...

Building Confidence when Challenging Yourself

A few things about confidence There are three things about confidence that we should never stop ...


Cognitive distortions, one of the main concept of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT in short...

Tips To Avoid Power Struggle in Marriage

You are engaged in an argument with your partner and it’s simply driving you up the wall. You a...

What Parents Can Do to Reconcile With Their Estranged Children

While parents are not always directly to blame for an estrangement or ongoing conflict with their...

Building Your Emotional Bank Account in Marriage

An emotional bank account does not exist physically. However, it’s very useful as it helps us t...

Dealing with Mid-Life Crisis

Sometimes when we get older and find ourselves in a rut, it can result in a life transition. I...

The Challenges of Family Business

Family owned businesses have to deal with a lot of challenges that do not affect their non-family...

Tips To Avoid Power Struggle with Kids

It happens to every parent: something that begins as a mere request to a child, such as get rea...

The Importance of Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is a form of therapy that is provided to couples to prepare them for marr...


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